Carefully Curating Heirloom Home Replicas
Our desire is to bring you handmade replicas of the building facades of a favorite TV series Little House on the Prairie®. Bring joy and a lifetime of good memories into your home with this heirloom quality piece. Each replica will come with a Certicifate of Authenticity and no two homes are exactly alike as each are designed with the artist's touch.
Handcrafted Heirlooms
Made in the USA
Meet the Founders and Artisans of
Casa Bella Creations
Grew up in Colombia, SA playing soccer on the streets with his friends. Once the time came for the Little House on the Prairie ® show to air, his mother would shout out to him that the "Familia Ingalls" show was starting & he would race inside so he wouldn't miss a minute. During his high school years, Hector's technical drawing teacher told him, "you will make a great architect someday". Those words inspired him and began a lifelong dream. Due to the economic situation in Colombia, most couldn't afford to attend college and Hector had to put that dream on hold. Although the opportunity never presented itself to build life-size homes or skyscrapers, Hector is now an architect of home facades on a smaller scale and is fulfilling his lifelong dream.
Trisha's favorite show of all time is Little House on the Prairie ® and she was a member of both "Melissa's" fan clubs. The golf course across the street from her childhood home was her prairie where she would pretend for hours that she lived in the late 1800's. Her mother introduced her to Laura Ingalls Wilder's LIttle House books and she has read the series multiple times. When she wasn't playing "Little House", Trisha was designing and building homes for her dolls. Encouraged by her parents, she received a degree for Interior Design from Viginia Tech. Life took a turn of events and Trisha was employed in other fields. Little did she know that today she would be designing homes and choosing color palettes for homes from her beloved TV show.
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Ms Faith
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Monna Rankin Brinkley